Restaurant servers are often the people who can make or break a dining-out experience

In the realm of dining out, restaurant servers often hold the keys to a delightful culinary journey. They navigate a challenging landscape, from managing unruly children to accommodating sudden menu alterations, all while contending with demanding customers and enduring long shifts.

Technology has been increasingly augmenting restaurant service, benefiting both patrons and staff. Cloud-based Point of Sale (POS) systems, server management platforms, contactless ordering, and online reservations streamline operations, allowing servers to focus on guest interaction rather than administrative tasks.

Moreover, automation extends beyond administrative functions to enhance ambiance and comfort. Automated HVAC systems, lighting controls, background music, and even mechanized patio features like retractable roofs and protective glass walls minimize the time and stress associated with manual adjustments. Simple conveniences, such as automated windows that eliminate the need to lean over guests, contribute to a seamless dining experience.

In an industry where every detail counts, the role of restaurant servers transcends mere order-taking; they are orchestrators of hospitality, shaping the narrative of each dining encounter. Their ability to navigate challenges with grace and foster genuine connections underscores their indispensable contribution to the culinary landscape. As technology continues to evolve, one thing remains constant: the enduring value of exemplary service provided by dedicated restaurant servers.

Christi Dunkley

Dynamic digital strategist and revenue-driver with a passion for demand generation, product innovation and creating compelling brand experiences. Equal parts marketing strategist and tactician, Christi is a high-energy leader in digital transformation and account-based marketing (ABM).

  • Built successful brand awareness by driving a complete overhaul and rebrand launch for premium architectural products

  • Successfully budgeted, Maintained and Administered Sizeable Digital Marketing budgets

  • Managed diverse channel marketing programs and agencies

  • Built, Grew and Led successful marketing-centric team from scratch

  • Mentored and empowered team members to foster personal growth and exponential success in content marketing systems

  • Optimized and owned customer experience across multiple digital platforms and mediums, with emphasis on radical client care

  • Excellent understanding and application of marketing analytics through the utilization of automation, CRM and account-based tools

  • Passionate about persistent research and usage of data to improve marketability and brand awareness

  • Maintained multi-million-dollar strategic partnerships using account-based marketing tools and continuous communication

The Evolution of Construction Services


Differences, quality and cost of Bi-fold/Folding and Multi Slide Doors